Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering (2010)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Multiple-choice objective tests
Two tests are performed on theoretical contents, one for each part in which the contents are divided. Both tests have the same weighting in the final qualification (15%). 30
Practical tests
Two problem-solving tests are performed, one for each part in which the contents are divided. Both tests have the same weighting in the final qualification (25%). 50
Extended-answer tests
Short-answer-questions tests are performed concerning laboratory practices. The weighting in the final grade is 20%. 20
Other comments and second exam session

The assignment assessment consists of 5 parts:

Exams Parcial Theory 1 (Teo1); test test, 15% of the final grade.

Exams Park Problems 1 (Prb1); 25% of the final grade.

Exam Parcial Theory 2 (Teo2): test type, 15% of the final grade.

Exams Park Problems 2 (Prb2): 25% of the final grade.

Laboratory Exam (Lab); short answer questions, 20% of the final grade.

A minimum mark of 3.5 points is required in all parties, and a final mark of 5.0 points to pass in the first call. If this requirement is not met, it is necessary to submit to the second call of those parts in which the qualification does not reach 3.5 points.

Final grade:

QF = 0.25 (Prb1 + Prb2) + 0.20 Lab + 0.15 (Teo1+Teo2)

No electronic device can be used during examinations.