Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Degree in Mathematical and Physical Engineering (2021)
   Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 CE1 Understand the concept of holomorphic function
Be able to calculate real integrals using waste calculation
Calculate Laurent's serial developments of some functions
Understand the concept of conformal function
 CE3 Understand the concept of holomorphic function
Learn about the principle of the maximum module and its applications
Learn about the different types of singularities
 CE4 Understand the Riemann theorem and its applications in physics and engineering
 CE9 Be able to calculate real integrals using waste calculation
Understand the Riemann theorem and its applications in physics and engineering
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 CT1 Manage and communicate information clearly and effectively.
 CT3 Identify the situation as a problem in the field and be sufficiently motivated to face up to it
Follow a systematic method to divide a problem into parts, identify the causes and apply the knowledge specific to the discipline
Design a new solution by using all the resources necessary to cope with the problem.
Include the details of the proposed solution in a realistic model
Reflect on the model proposed, find shortcomings and suggest improvements
Type C Code Learning outcomes