Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Degree in Mathematical and Physical Engineering (2021)
   Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 CE1 Learn about Hamilton's principle
Be capable of expressing dynamics problems in generalized coordinates.
Understand the principles of conservation and the relationship between the symmetries of a problem
Understand the concept of canonical transformation
Be able to pose and study the equations of motion for the problem of two sides with central forces.
Know the types of orbits in central fields
Understand the basic postulates of the theory of special relativity, along with its six main consequences.
 CE4 Know and is able to use the Lagrange, Hamilton and Hamilton-Jacobi equations to solve mechanical problems of practical interest in engineering
Understand conservation principles and their relationship to the symmetries of a problem
Learn about the three-body problem
 CE6 Know and is able to use the Lagrange, Hamilton and Hamilton-Jacobi equations to solve mechanical problems of practical interest in engineering
 CE10 Know and be able to use the Lagrange, Hamilton and Hamilton-Jacobi equations to solve mechanical problems of practical interest in engineering
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 CT1 Manage and communicate information clearly and effectively.
Type C Code Learning outcomes