Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Biomedical Data Science (2022)
Topic Sub-topic
Introduction Overview of techniques, application fields in medical areas.
Diagnosis and Healthcare models history.
Computer assisted diagnosis. Computer assisted diagnosis under traditional Healthcare and Medicine.
Computer assisted diagnosis for 4P Medicine
Computer assisted diagnosis under new Healthcare, decentralized models.
Digital twins

Decision support systems Intelligent decision making for supporting diagnosis: optimizing resources and services
Recommender systems: supporting clinical decision making for managing medical evidence in diagnosis
Empowering patients for better medicine outcomes
Machine learning to close the loop between medical evidence and diagnosis

Study cases Monitoring systems: monitoring babies at home. Falling detection systems. EEG and mental health.
Managing diseases: multi-comorbidity patients, tobacco quitting patients, patients with high blood pressure
Medical evidence: Use of literature to best ADHD treatment
Resource management: prioritize patient attendance in ICUs
Others: Decision systems for initial diagnosis of rare diseases.