Educational guide 
Facultat de Lletres
A A 
Filologia Anglesa (2001)
Introductory activities The first few classes will be based on how the "British" are seen abroad. This will be based on stereotypical information.
Lecture The lecture-based classes will focus on mechanisms used in the construction of cultural identities. There will be a strong accent on theory, especially theories analysing multicultural identities.
Seminars The seminar-based classes will consist of reading, viewing, understanding and discussing "texts" and films.
Assignments There will be a final written assignment at the end of the course. You can choose the subject you would like to write about but you will have to consult with me first before you begin to work on it. The assignment must be written according to established guidelines. Please do not plagiarise! If you do, your assignment will be rendered invalid and you will have to take a final examination.
Presentations / expositions You will be asked to present your research project (ie: your assignment) in class before your classmates. This will be done in groups of three. Obviously, each member of one group has to choose a subject that is coherent with the other two group members.