Educational guide 
Facultat de Lletres
A A 
Filologia Anglesa (2001)
  Description Weight
Lecture The teacher will introduce the main topics of each unit, and through the use of IT will introduce students to an array of subtopics they are expected to ellaborate and study afterwards 10
Presentations / expositions Students will be grades according to content, structure, pronunciation, grammar, effective communication, timing, originality, use of IT 20
Objective short-answer tests Two short-question tests will be delivered thorughout the term. The aim of both tests is to check the students' ability to recognize cultural elements in American culture. 30

"Final" exam, which is not such as it only accounts for 50% of the final grade. Between 50 and 100 short questions related to the textbook and the general lectures

Other comments and second exam session

The work and characteristics of the second sitting will be specified in class because, depending on the amount of work done and handed in, it may not be the same for all students