Guia docent 
Facultat de Lletres
A A 
Filologia Anglesa (2001)
Activitats Introductòries The introductory sessions will offer an overview of the coursework and will illustrate the methodology and difficulties involved in studying the early period of literature in English.
Seminaris The seminars will be based on the reading and understanding of texts. It is important that you prepare the texts before they are discussed in class. The seminar will give you the opportunity to raise questions, iron out difficulties and learn.
Presentacions / exposicions One of the areas in which you will have the opportunity to do independent research is in the group presentation. The group (three members) will decide on a subject and each member will work on a specific subtheme. Each group should consult with me before setting to work. You will be practising teaching skills in this exercise! Present your topic in an interesting and coherent manner and be ready for questions!
Treballs One week after your class presentation, you should hand in a written assignment based on the research you did with the group. You should follow the guidelines included in your dossier when writing the assignment. The format and content are very important.
Sessió Magistral The lecture-based classes will focus on close readings and a study of the mechanisms used in the construction of "English" literature. There will be a strong accent on historical and social events marked by issues of class, gender, religion and myth.

One of the themes we shall study will relate to the various philosophical and religious theories on identity. The identity of heroes, and heroines, of individuals from the "common" classes of society, the witch and the sorceror. The relationship between the real and the mythical, the belief in gods and the supernatural in the construction of identity.
The rational thinkers and the certain displacement of god brought about a freedom of thought in matters of the self and literary creation. The introduction of concepts based on "national" identities brought with it a nostalgia for past glories, traditions and heritage.
All these questions will be introduced to you during the course in the hope that they will serve you as a founding stone for the further study of culture and literature.