Guia docent 
Facultat de Lletres
A A 
Filologia Anglesa (2001)
  Descripció Pes
Activitats Introductòries A student's course work will benefit from attending the classes which deal with introductory information, so no specific mark is reserved for this section. 0%
Sessió Magistral A student's course work in general and textual commentaries in particular will benefit from attending these sessions so no specific mark is given for this section. 0%
Seminaris Active participation and indication of familiarity with the text will be taken into consideration at the time of assessment, though they have no assigned mark as such. Active participation will be reflected in the quality of the student's 'treballs' and final exam 0%
Debats Active participation and indication of familiarity with the text will be taken into consideration at the time of assessment, though they have no assigned mark as such. Active participation will be reflected in the quality of the student's 'treballs' and final exam 0%
Treballs A student must hand in between 3 and 5 commentaries on set texts, and then writes their own assessment of their performance, in comparison with a commentary offered by the teacher. The more work done in this section, the less weight is given to the final exam. The minimum is 3 pieces of work; each piece can be up to 10% of the course grade 30%-50%
Atenció personalitzada Use of tutorial time for constructive commentary on class work will be taken into consideration at the time of assessment, though it has no assigned 'mark' as such. 0%

Final Exam: one long question as commentary on a set text, and 3 shorts questions on other authors. The weight of the final exam mark will depend on the amount of work the student has done as 'Treballs'

Altres comentaris i segona convocatòria

In the Second convocatoria, students may choose to do the exam as 100% of the course grade, or include the marks for the commentaries handed in during the course, in which case the exam will be worth between 50% and 70%, depending on how many pieces of work they handed in.