Guia docent 
Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Química
A A 
Enginyeria Química i de Processos (MEQIP) (2010)
Tema Subtema
Review of classical thermodynamics 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics
Introduction to statistical thermodynamics The Boltzmann distribution law and statistical mechanics
The partition function and statistical mechanics
The ideal gas Boltzmann statistics
Translational and vibrational partition functions
The “law” of equipartition of energies
Chemical equilibrium in ideal-gas mixtures Equilibrium constants from partition functions
Ideal harmonic solid and black-body radiation Rayleigh-Jeans law
Debye theory of the heat capacity of solids
The third law Nernst heat theory in thermodynamics
Comparison with experiment
The non-ideal gas Virial coefficients
Intermolecular forces
The liquid state Structure of liquids
Equation of state of a liquid
Computer simulation: Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics