Educational guide 
School of Chemical Engineering
A A 
Nanoscience, Materials and Processes: Chemical Technology at the Frontier
   Selection technique and assignment

The allocation of candidates to the master's thesis proposed by the different supervisors will follow criteria of equity and transparency.
All proposals made by TFM faculty supervisors are available to Master Space in Moodle (http://moodle.urv.cat). All students enrolled in the Masters have access to it.
In this space is also available all the rules associated with the TFM, the detail of the delivery of the documentation and submission to the panel, and the list of proposals presented in previous years.

The academic coordinator of the Master advised by supervisors, carry out the process of allocating student candidates to the proposed master's thesis
Students have been previously selected and prioritized by the selection committee of the Master in Nanoscience, Materials and Processes: Chemical Technology Frontier.
1. Every supervisor participating in the program proposed a couple of proposals for work to master to be published on the program website.
2. Candidates prioritize a maximum of ten subjects between master projects published on the web.
3. Each supervisor can direct at least a master's work as far as it has been one of the ten selected options.
4. In the first round, the work is assigned to students who have chosen the first option.
5. If any work is chosen as first choice for more than one student, the supervisor of the proposed Final Master can select the candidate it deems appropriate.
6. During the second round, works are assigned to those students who have elected the second option, a third round will be allocated to the remaining candidates for the proposed work.
7. If some works have not been selected on any option, preference will go to these works the following academic year.
8. A supervisor may propose more than one work if he/she has been funded more than one grant or should have been very successful in their proposals. In the latter case, the next academic year he/she will has a lower preference rate.
9. Whenever an overlap exists between candidates and work, the supervisors will reach an agreement for the allocation of the students.

The main functions of the supervisor is to convey to the student the knowledge and experience in conducting various aspects of research, from the research literature to the presentation of the work including all aspects of planning of experiments , obtaining results and discussion thereof.
Therefore, the supervisor should advise and guide the student, by simultaneously monitoring the production process of work, assist in the planning and review time work and resulting report. The supervisor must also ensure compliance with the objectives, giving the nod for the presentation of work and a report of it.