Educational guide 
Faculty of Business and Economics
A A 
International Markets (2016)
   Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A1 Acquire advanced knowledge of international economic relations and the new contexts that arise from globalisation, incorporating a multidisciplinary perspective.
Being able to select among the international financial instruments the most appropriate ones for each business project, based on their profitability and risk.
 A7 Being able to identify the opportunities and threats which arise from the new global realities and design strategies which address these challenges.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 CT1 Manage and communicate complex information, within variety of topics, in a foreign language effectively.
 CT2 Make judgements on the basis of the efficient management and use of information.
 CT3 Solve complex problems critically, creatively and innovatively in multidisciplinary contexts.
 CT7 Apply ethical and socially responsible principles as a citizen and a professional.
 CT8 Develop sufficient independence to work on research projects and scientific and technological ventures within their discipline.
Type C Code Learning outcomes