Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2009)
Topic Sub-topic
Unit 1. BIOLOGY INTRODUCTION. Biology concepts. Origin of life.

Unit 2. GENERALITIES OF THE CELL. Cell theory. Morphology and composition of the cell. Structural, genetic and physiological properties of the cell. Prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells and viruses.

Unit 3. FUNDAMENTAL FUNCTIONS OF LIVING ORGANISMS. Metabolism: nutrition, respiration and synthesis. Self-perpetuation: homeostasis, reproduction and adaptation.
BLOCK 2. CITOLOGY. Description. Unit 4. STUDY METHODS OF THE CELL (I) ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC MICROSCOPE. Historical introduction to the study of cells. Types of microscopes and their applications. Techniques of preparation of the biological material.

Unit 5. STUDY METHODS OF THE CELL (II). Cell splitting. Cell cultures. Techniques of localization microscopy of specific molecules: Cytochemistry, immunocytochemistry and autoradiography.

Unit 7. PLASMATIC MEMBRANE. Structure. Chemical composition and molecular organization. Physiological activity: permeability. Specializations of the surface. Biogenesis.

Unit 8. EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX AND ITS RECEPTORS. The matrix to animal cells: components and organisation. The matrix to the plant cells: the cellular wall.

Unit 9. CYTOPLASMATIC MATRIX. Structure. Chemical composition. Physiological activity.

Unit 10. CYTOSKELETON. General organization and constituent elements. Microtubules: organization and dynamics. Organizing centers of microtubules: centrioles, basal corpuscles and centromeres. Microtubular structures: achromatic spindle, cilia and flagella. Microfilaments: organization and dynamics. Intermediate filaments: diversity and organization. Interactions between the different components of the cytoskeleton. Fundamentals of cellular movement.

Unit 11. ENDOPLASMATIC RETICULUM. Structure. Chemical composition. Physiological activity. Biogenesis.

Unit 12. GOLGI COMPLEX. Structure. Chemical composition. Physiological activity. Biogenesis.

Unit 13. LYSOSOMES AND ENDOSOMES. Types. Structure. Chemical composition. Physiological activity. Biogenesis.

Unit 14. PEROXISOMES. Types. Structure. Chemical composition. Physiological activity. Biogenesis.

Unit 15. MITOCHONDRIA. Structure. Chemical composition. Physiological activity. Biogenesis.

Unit 16. PLASTIDS: chloroplasts. Structure. Chemical composition. Physiological activity. Biogenesis.

Unit 17. INTERPHASE NUCLEI: nuclear envelope. Structure. Chemical composition. Physiological activity. Biogenesis.

Unit 18. INTERPHASE NUCLEI: nuclear matrix. Composition and organisation of genetic material: chromatin.

Unit 19. INTERPHASE NUCLEI: nucleolus. Structure. Molecular organisation. Physiological activity. Biogenesis.

Unit 20. RIBOSOMES. Structure. Chemical composition. Role in protein biosynthesis. Biogenesis.

BLOCK 3. CELL CYCLE AND DEVELOPMENT. Description. Unit 21. CELL CYCLE. Change and cell growth. Stages and cell cycle regulation. Aging and cell death.

Unit 22. CELL DIVISION (I): Mitosis. Overview. Molecular organisation and functional role of the mitotic apparatus.

Unit 23. CELL DIVISION (II): meiosis and gametogenesis. Overview. Nuclear and cytoplasmic changes during gametogenesis. Structure of egg and sperm.

Unit 24. FERTILIZATION. Description of the process of fertilisation. Activation of the egg. Specific egg-sperm receptor.

Unit 25. FEATURES STAGES OF EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT. Segmentation, blastula, gastrula. Nucleo-cytoplasmic interactions during development. Neurulation and embryonic induction. Cell differentifeatation. Training pattern.
BLOCK OF PRACTICES. Practices. Practice 1. Introduction to the optical and stereo microscopy and how does it work.

Practice 2. Introduction to electron microscopy and how does it work.

Practice 3. Introduction to the cell structure (I): Differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms.

Practice 4. Introduction to the cell structure (II): Differences between animal and plant cells.

Practice 5. Introduction to the cell structure (I): microscopic fungi.

Practice 6. Cell division processes: mitosis.

Practice 7. Cell division processes: meiosis.

Practice 8. Gametogenesis: spermatogenesis and oogenesis.

Practice 9. KARYOTYPE: study of human chromosomes. Interests and application.

Practice 10. Blood groups determination. Application of genetic problems.