Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2009)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Treballs i seminaris 40%
Multiple-choice objective tests
2 exàmens parcials 60%
Other comments and second exam session

In order to consider all the sections, a minimum grade of 5/10 will be required for each partial exam. In total, the two partial exams will have a weight of 60% of the final grade.

The second call will consist of a mixed test (type test and short questions) that will have a weight of 60%. The work mark will be maintained.

The use or possession of communication and data transmission devices (mobiles, ...) is prohibited during the conduct of the tests except for the express consent of the teacher.

The demonstrable fraudulent realization of some evaluation activity of a subject both in material and virtual and electronic support entails the student's suspense note of this evaluation activity. Regardless of this, given the seriousness of the facts, the center may propose the initiation of a disciplinary file, which will be opened by resolution of the rector.