Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2009)
Type A Code Competences Specific
 CE1 Understand and apply basic knowledge of physics, mathematics and chemistry to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
 CE2 Describe how living beings function at a basic biochemical, molecular and structural level.
 CE3 Have advanced knowledge of the biochemistry, kinetics, mechanisms and metabolism of enzymes.
 CE4 Understand organisms at molecular, cellular and metabolic level.
 CE5 Understand the principles, instrumentation and technical applications of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
 CE6 Know how to design and apply experimental laboratory protocols, especially in the ambits of biochemistry, microbiology and molecular biology, and to evaluate the risks and safety elements of these protocols.
 CE7 Know how to search for, find, analyze and interpret information in the main biological databases concerning genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, taxanomics among others, and to know how to use bibliographic databases and basic bioinformatic tools.
 CE8 Analyze and interpret data and experimental results in the scientific ambit.
 CE9 Have structural and functional knowledge of the basic components and polymeric structures of molecules in living beings.
 CE10 Appreciate the complexity and diversity of organisms through the study of their molecules, cells, physiological processes, genetics and evolution.
 CE11 Appreciate the speed of potential changes in Biochemistry.
 CE12 Work in an appropriate manner in a biochemical laboratory. This includes safety, the handling and disposing of waste and the recording of activities.
 CE13 Apply molecular knowledge to the physiological interpretation of the normal or physiological functioning of the organism.
 CE14 Describe how living beings extract, transform and use the energy FROM their surroundings.
Type B Code Competences Transversal
 CT1 Use information in a foreign language effectively
 CT2 Managing information and knowledge through the efficient use of IT
 CT3 Solve problems critically, creatively and innovatively in their field
 CT5 Communicate information clearly and precisely to a variety of audiences
Type C Code Competences Nuclear