Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering (2010)
Introductory activities Es repassaran les metodologies a emprar en l'assignatura, els continguts, els mètodes d'avaluació i la bibliografia de referència.
Previous study Students must answer some theoretical questions about the contents of the practices to be done in the laboratory. Students must submit a report via Moodle with the answers to the formulated questions and the justifications of their answers.
Laboratory practicals Students should assemble the requested electronic circuits and perform a set of measures to asses its operation and compare the results with those obtained in the previous study. Students must submit a report via Moodle including the measurements performed and their conclusions.
Lecture The theoretical contents of the subject will be presented, as well as representative examples.
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom Problem solving in class will be developed following two different methodologies. In one case, typical problems of the subject will be analyzed in class.
On the other hand, students must first work in groups of 4 people a set of problems (for a period of one week). Later, it will be assigned to each student a problem of the set (or problems) to be performed in class. It will randomly select a representative from each group whose resolutions will be assessed. That qualification will be applied to all the member of the group.

Personal attention Students will resolve any questions, individually, in the office of the corresponding teacher.