Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Engineering (2017)
Introductory activities Presentation of the lecturers and the organization of the course (topics, materials, competences, bibliography).
The evaluation procedure will be also explained at this introductory class.
Lecture Main lectures where the concepts are explained with examples.
Morning lectures are in Catalan, and afternoon lectures in English.
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom Some weeks the students will practise solving short exercises, individually or in group.
The exercises may be given to students in advance so that you can prepare them at home before the class.
IT-based practicals in computer rooms Practice classes in computer laboratories. Each session a new exercise will be proposed, to be solved during the class using Java and Eclipse.
IT-based practicals The student must design and implement several exercises (which can be individual or in groups). Details will presented at class by the teacher. The work will be done at home.
Some additional documentation can be required, together with the source code in Java.
Personal attention Personal attention will be given at the teacher's office (143).
It is recommended to contact with the teachers by email in advance to agree with the date/time.