Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Engineering (2017)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
IT-based practicals
The student must design and implement in Java several exercises (which can be individual or in groups). Details will be given in the Moodle platform.
Some additional documentation can be required, together with the source code in Java.
The student must deliver all the exercises and a minimum average grade of 5 is mandatory to pass the course.
Short-answer objective tests
There will be two exams during the course, covering all the topics explained until the date of the exam.
A minimum average grade of 5 is mandatory to pass the course and a minimum of 4 in the second exam.
Other comments and second exam session

If the student cannot pass the course in the first round, a second chance is available (see the calendar at ETSE website).

Only the part failed must be repeated (the practical part or the exams part):

  • The final exam at the second round will cover all the course (60%)
  • To pass the practical part in the second round a different final practical exercise must be done (40%).

During exams it is prohibited the use of any communication or data transmission device. If you do not follow this rule, the exam will be not reviewed and you will automatically get a Fail
