Educational guide 
Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Architecture (2010)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Practical tests
It will be evaluated the attendance, everyday work, the contribution in class and in order to develop the exercises the quality of the documents used.
It will be specially considered the quality ant the truthfulness of the drawings, the general treatment, and the graphic resources used; as well as the clearness in the presentation of the analyzed elements and the composition quality of the sheets.
The described readings and the analysis of them must be realized in the apointed day. All the deliveries as well as the readings must be realized in order to be evaluated.
Deliveries by people different of the author, and out of classes schedule will be not accepted. Two no entries, or a final no entries will be evaluated as a NP (Not Presented) for all the subject. The evaluation is continuous.

Readings and class contribution

Other comments and second exam session

3 no atendance days comes into a NP for all the subject. In the last delivery day could be recovered delayed entries (maximun 2) or two works to improve the grade (maximun 2 works)