Educational guide 
Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Architecture (2010)
   Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A33 To put into operation, in the professional field of architecture and in an integrated way, the specific specific, transversal and nuclear competences indicated
Integrate the theoretical knowledge with the projects, which can be applied
To know institutions and organizations linked to the field of architecture and urban planning
Be able to apply the techniques learned in the context of the profession of architect
Know and use the technical means most frequently used by professionals in the field of architecture
 A35 To put into operation, in the professional field of architecture and in an integrated way, the specific specific, transversal and nuclear competences indicated
Integrate the theoretical knowledge with the projects, which can be applied
To know institutions and organizations linked to the field of architecture and urban planning
Be able to apply the techniques learned in the context of the profession of architect
 A45 To put into operation, in the professional field of architecture and in an integrated way, the specific specific, transversal and nuclear competences indicated
Integrate the theoretical knowledge with the projects, which can be applied
To know institutions and organizations linked to the field of architecture and urban planning
Be able to apply the techniques learned in the context of the profession of architect
Know and use the technical means most frequently used by professionals in the field of architecture
 A46 To put into operation, in the professional field of architecture and in an integrated way, the specific specific, transversal and nuclear competences indicated
Integrate the theoretical knowledge with the projects, which can be applied
To know institutions and organizations linked to the field of architecture and urban planning
Be able to apply the techniques learned in the context of the profession of architect
 A47 To put into operation, in the professional field of architecture and in an integrated way, the specific specific, transversal and nuclear competences indicated
Integrate the theoretical knowledge with the projects, which can be applied
To know institutions and organizations linked to the field of architecture and urban planning
Be able to apply the techniques learned in the context of the profession of architect
 A49 To put into operation, in the professional field of architecture and in an integrated way, the specific specific, transversal and nuclear competences indicated
Integrate the theoretical knowledge with the projects, which can be applied
To know institutions and organizations linked to the field of architecture and urban planning
Be able to apply the techniques learned in the context of the profession of architect
Know and use the technical means most frequently used by professionals in the field of architecture
 A53 To put into operation, in the professional field of architecture and in an integrated way, the specific specific, transversal and nuclear competences indicated
Integrate the theoretical knowledge with the projects, which can be applied
To know institutions and organizations linked to the field of architecture and urban planning
Be able to apply the techniques learned in the context of the profession of architect
 A56 To put into operation, in the professional field of architecture and in an integrated way, the specific specific, transversal and nuclear competences indicated
Integrate the theoretical knowledge with the projects, which can be applied
To know institutions and organizations linked to the field of architecture and urban planning
Be able to apply the techniques learned in the context of the profession of architect
 A70 To put into operation, in the professional field of architecture and in an integrated way, the specific specific, transversal and nuclear competences indicated
Integrate the theoretical knowledge with the projects, which can be applied
To know institutions and organizations linked to the field of architecture and urban planning
Be able to apply the techniques learned in the context of the profession of architect
Know and use the technical means most frequently used by professionals in the field of architecture
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 B1 Learn by asking questions and take an interest in clearing up doubts.
Ask intelligent questions that challenge what they have learned and show initiative in their search for information.
Set their own learning objectives.
 B2 Identify problems and take decisions to solve them.
Collect the information they need so that they can solve problems using data and not subjective opinion, and subjecting the information at their disposal to logical analysis.
Adopt a method of analysis that enables them to identify non-obvious causes and evaluate their impact on problems.
Present possible solutions that are mostly effective at solving problems.
Find appropriate solutions.
 B3 Reflect on new ways of doing things.
Analyze the risks and benefits of innovation.
Find new methods for doing things.
Apply innovative techniques and obtain results.
 B4 Do the work planned in accordance with the quality criteria provided.
Use data to take correct decisions.
Decide how to manage and organize work and time.
Take correct decisions at key moments confidently, consistently and systematically.
 B5 Participate actively and share information, knowledge and experience.
Finish the tasks assigned to them in the time allowed and with the resources available.
Bear in mind the opinions of others and give constructive feedback.
Accept and comply with the rules of the group.
 B7 Identify the problems and consequences of sustainable development.
Understand sustainability from an interdisciplinary perspective, bearing in mind the global situation and the challenges it poses.
 B8 Describe situations and justify the need for projects.
Set clear objectives for projects.
Ensure that the objectives of projects are consistent with the needs detected in the context.
Type C Code Learning outcomes
 C2 Understand basic computer hardware.
Understand the operating system as a hardware manager and the software as a working tool.
 C3 Locate and access information effectively and efficiently.
Critically evaluate information and its sources, and add it to their own knowledge base and system of values.
 C4 Produce well structured, clear and effective oral texts.
Produce oral texts that are appropriate to the communicative situation.
Produce well-structured, clear and rich written texts
 C5 Be respectful of the values of a culture of peace and democracy.
 C6 Identify their own academic and professional interests and motivations.
Develop resources and strategies that will ease their transition into working life.