Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Engineering (2017)
Introductory activities General presentation of the course, organization, evaluation, etc.
Lecture Theoretical presentation of the contents of the course in the classroom throughout the second semester, distributed in 2 hours per week.
Presentations / oral communications Students will prepare a PowerPoint presentation on a recent relevant publication about a topic of the course. The 20-minute presentation should present the topic (10-15 minutes) and encourage discussion among students (5-10 minutes).
Laboratory practicals Guided practices are mandatory. They will last 4 hours, which will be divided into 2 hours in the technical services of the URV and two hours in the laboratories of the NEPHOS group. The concepts / topics included in the contents of the course will be applied at a practical level.
Seminars Two experts will be invited to present and discuss topics related the course.
Personal attention Doubts and questions