Educational guide 
Faculty of Oenology
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology (2009)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Students will have to defend the use of transgenic foods to human nutrition by providing scientific documentation and arguments, integrating the biotechnological, economic, social, ecological aspects, and taking stock of risks and benefits on health and transgenic food. 50%
Other comments and second exam session

Second call: debates can be retrieved with a work and written tests with an exam.

During the evaluation tests, mobile phones, tablets and other devices that are not expressly authorized by the test must be turned off and out of sight. The demonstratively fraudulent realization of any evaluative activity of any subject in both material and virtual and electronic support entails the student the failure mark of this evaluative activity. Regardless of this, given the seriousness of the facts, the center can propose the initiation of a disciplinary file, which will be initiated by resolution of the rector.