Educational guide 
Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology
A A 
Educational Technology: e-Learning and Knowledge Management (2012)
  Description Weight
Forums of debate AU1. Summary of essential concepts. Evaluation of the compression of the subject.
AU2. Participation in the creation of the shared document.
Evaluation of the contents and the proposals that each contributes
participant, according to the criteria specified for
perform the activity.

AU3. Development of a practical case to apply the learned.
Evaluation of the design and the justification of the proposed actions to facilitate Knowledge Management, according to the criteria specified to carry out the activity.

Other comments and second exam session

As part of the continuous evaluation, in those cases in which students make a second delivery of an evaluable activity suspended or not presented, it must be presented within 45 days after the end of the subject, on the date determined by the teacher , only in those cases in which the student contacts expressly to request it within the regular academic period of the course. Once this period has ended, it will be understood that the student withdraws and will not be entitled to this second opportunity.

It is remembered that the students have to respect the criterion of absolute linguistic correctness in all their evaluation tests (and also of teaching-learning) and that failure to do so can be a direct reason for suspension. Por otro lado, any circumstance of plagiarism on the part of the students can assume a direct suspension of the subject, without the possibility of resorting to the second call.Finally, students are suggested to consult the specific planning hosted in the Moodle space of the subject.