Educational guide 
Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology
A A 
Educational Technology: e-Learning and Knowledge Management (2012)
  Description Weight
Debates Presentation debate: Participation in the presentation debate (during the established dates), providing the information that is required.

Previous knowledge debate / Previous knowledge quiz: Participation in the previous knowledge debate (during the scheduled dates), providing information in an orderly, judicious and well-argued manner.

Completion of the previous knowledge questionnaire (during the scheduled dates), answering the questions with quality information.
Assignments Activity 1. References. Individual activity: Active participation in the group creation debate in order to receive instructions on the tool/work material (during the established dates).
Search for references at an individual level that meet the specific criteria detailed in the activity.
Participation in the reference communication debate (during the planned dates)
Delivery of the activity within the agreed time.

Activity 2. Construction and application of the evaluation instrument. Group activity: Carrying out the different tasks described in Activity 2.
Active participation in the group debate and carrying out correct cooperative work. Delivery of the activity within the agreed time.

Group process self-evaluation: Delivery of the group work self-evaluation document. Argumentation and contributions on the process carried out and providing possible improvements. Grading with group mates criteria.
Others El mètode davaluació es basa en una avaluació contínua a partir de la realització de les activitats que es proposen. Es recomana consultar la planificació detallada de la matèria a l'espai moodle. És convenient seguir el cronograma de les activitats tal com es proposen al curs i complir els terminis que es marquen per al seu lliurament. D'aquesta manera es podrà garantir una coherència i una integració correcta dels continguts de tots els cursos a què cada alumne s'ha matriculat. Es recorda als alumnes que cal respectar el criteri de correcció lingüística absoluta en totes les proves d'avaluació i en cas contrari pot ser motiu de suspens. D'altra banda, qualsevol acció de plagi per part dels alumnes pot suposar el suspens directe de la matèria sense possibilitat de recórrer a la segona convocatòria.
Other comments and second exam session

- The delivery of the works (individual and group) outside the set time and with justification, is penalized with a (-10%) for Task 1 and a (-15%) for Task 2.
- To pass the subject you must submit the two Tasks (T1 and T2) and obtain sufficient grades to reach 50% and enable the summation of the activities
- If the activities are not submitted during the corresponding period, the master's grading guidelines will be considered with the possibility of failing the subject. If plagiarism is detected and proven in any of the tasks, the activity will be failed.