Educational guide 
Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology
A A 
Educational Technology: e-Learning and Knowledge Management (2012)
Introductory activities The subject of Applied Digital Ethics requires the realization of various individual or group activities applying active methodologies and strategies.
The Guía de Actividades document includes the content of each of the proposed activities. It is detailed, for all of them, what it consists of, the expected time of dedication of the student, the period of implementation, the type of activity and its mode of implementation (individual or in group).
To carry out the activities, it is recommended to consult the Documentary Resources archive. Includes bibliographical references and digital resources.
In videoconference sessions and with multimedia monographs.
Assignments Individual work (core of interest): Work carried out by students independently, under the supervision of the teacher. In the 2nd videoconference the students present their development proposal.

Readings: They include the elaboration of multimedia synthesis and a conceptual map on the two articles selected and read.

Cases: Resolution, by separate groups, of specific cases on real conflicting situations linked to the content of the subject.
Attention to the student for the resolution of doubts and for academic and professional guidance.
Personal attention Atenció a l'alumne per a la resolució de les dones i per a l'orientació acadèmica i professional.