Educational guide 
Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology
A A 
Educational Technology: e-Learning and Knowledge Management (2012)
  Description Weight
Self-monitoring activities The follow-up of the study materials and the completion of the self-assessment questionnaires for the self-monitoring of learning also have a weight in the final grade of the course. 15%
IT-based practicals This subject has an essential practical part. Each of the practical activities will be delivered individually.
Each of the activities has a weight of 10%, 15% and 60% of the total of the subject.
The last activity uses the 360º evaluation methodology.
Other comments and second exam session

Synchronous attendance to the videoconference sessions is recommended due to their dynamic nature and the resolution of doubts.

In the case of the second call, within 45 days after the end of the course, it will be held on the date determined by the professor. Once this period is over, it will be understood that the student desists and will not be entitled to this second opportunity.

It is reminded that students must respect the criterion of absolute linguistic correctness in all their evaluation activities (and also teaching-learning) and that failure to do so may be a direct reason for failure. On the other hand, any circumstance of plagiarism on the part of the student may result in a direct failure of the course, without the possibility of resorting to the second call. Finally, students are suggested to consult the specific planning hosted in the virtual space of the course
