Educational guide 
Faculty of Arts
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Publicity and Public Relations (2009)
Topic Sub-topic
Unit 1. The concept of public opinion from the classical tradition Defining public opinion - The classic concept of public opinion (1750-1922) - Political liberalism and economic liberalism - The public sphere in complex societies: populism, polarization, post-truth.
Unit 2. Public opinion in the 20th century. From propaganda to the empirical tradition Public opinion in the era of mass communication. Propaganda, information and communication.
Unit 3. The influence of media. From powerful media effects to cognitive psychology The empirical tradition in the study of public opinion - The effects of the media on public opinion - Theories of cognitive effects
Unit 4. The digital public sphere. The transformation of communication and political change

Digital public sphere: challenges, weaknesses and strengths - Political communication in the digital public sphere