Educational guide 
Faculty of Arts
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Journalism (2009)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Presentations / oral communications
Presentation in class of the group work done. The presentations of each group will have a duration of approximately 90 minutes and will be based on the written work delivered to the professor in advance. They will be accompanied by an audiovisual piece of their own production. 15%
Group elaboration of a written work on an aspect of the syllabus assigned by the professors. The work will be based on written and audiovisual documentation sources provided by the professors and complemented by the students. 20%
IT-based practicals
Students will have to participate in the Instagram of the subject elaborating a set of own posts that complement the theory elaborated in class and commenting, at least, two posts of the other classmates. 15%
Mixed tests
Tests of knowledge of the contents taught in the theoretical classes and student expositions, reinforced with the compulsory readings. To be taken both during the course and at the end of the course. 50%
Other comments and second exam session


  • This is a face-to-face course. Part of the evaluation will be carried out in practices developed in the classroom.
  • Each of the parts will be approved, at least with a 5, separately (the work, the group exhibition, the practical test and the mixed tests).
  • In the case of failing any of the parts, this must be recovered in the second call, regardless of the grades of the other tests. The rest of the grades of the passed tests will be kept.
  • In case of plagiarism in any of the tests, the course is automatically failed, regardless of the results of the other tests. ALL will have to be recovered in the second call.
  • Any test in second call must be passed with at least a 5 to be averaged with the rest of the grades. The professors reserve the right to set a maximum grade for the work handed in during the second round.
  • In case of failing at least one of the pending tests in the second call, the course will be failed.
  • In case of plagiarism, the course will be failed.

NON CONTINUOUS EVALUATION (2nd call):In case the student cannot follow the continuous evaluation, he/she must contact the professors of the subject before the date that appears in the Virtual Campus to confirm that he/she is presenting only in the second call. You must pass the same type of tests as in the continuous assessment, adapted in the format indicated. The professors reserve the option to set a maximum grade, below 10, in the non-continuous evaluation.