Educational guide 
Faculty of Business and Economics
A A 
Entrepreneurship and Innovation (2014)
Topic Sub-topic
1. Entrepreneur skills 1.1 Entrepreneurship. An attitude.
1.2 Why a road map for the development of the entrepreneur
1.3 The skills of the entrepreneur
1.4 Intent, cause, purpose and values
2. Mindset of the entrepreneur 2.1 How the brain works.
2.2 Fast thinking, slow thinking.
2.3 Empowering and limiting convictions.
3. Emotional management 3.1 What is emotional mastery.
3.2 Some elements in emotional mastery.
3.3 Emotions in teams.
4. Communication and Persuasion 4.1 Communicator skills
4.2 Some psychological biases.
4.3 Neuromarketing.
4.4 Construction of an impact message.
5. Agile methodologies: Design Thinking and Lean Start Up 5.1 Introduction to the most current methodologies for creation and innovation in startups and companies.
5.2 Skills for Design Thinking and Lean Start Up
5.3 The Design Thinking process. Real cases.
5.4 The Lean Start Up process. Real cases
6. Negotiation, decision making and time management 6.1 Resources for negotiation
6.2 Resources for decision making
6.3 Resources for time management
6.4 Other tools for success