Educational guide 
Faculty of Business and Economics
A A 
Entrepreneurship and Innovation (2014)
   Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A5 Conèixer els agents que intervenen en els sistemes d'innovació
Reconèixer les problemàtiques en un sistema d'innovació
Definir actuacions que millorin el sistema d'innovació
 A6 Aprofundir en les teories de la innovació
Reconèixer els diferents factors que afecten el procés innovador de l'empresa.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 CT3 Students identify the situation as a problem in a multidisciplinary, research or professional environment and actively deal with it.
Students adopt a systematic method with an overall focus to divide complex problems into parts and identify the causes by using their scientific and professional knowledge.
Students design new solutions using the resources that are necessary and available to cope with problems.
Students draw up realistic models with all the details of the solutions proposed.
Students can evaluate the models proposed by contrasting them with the real context of application, find limitations and propose improvements.
Type C Code Learning outcomes