Educational guide 
Faculty of Business and Economics
A A 
Entrepreneurship and Innovation (2014)
   Sources of information
Basic Swann, G. M. P., The Economics of innovation : an introduction, , Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA : Edward Elgar, c
Teruel, Mercedes (ed.), El sistema territorial d'innovació de la demarcació de Tarragona, 2010, Tarragona : Publicacions URV
Teruel Carrizosa, Mercedes; Jové Llopis, Elisenda i Coll Martinez, Eva. (2018), Start-ups: explorant innovacions disruptives a Catalunya,, Publicacions URV, Tarragona
Smith, David, Exploring Innovation, McGraw Hill,, London
Tidd, J. and Bessant, J.,, Managing Innovation: Integrating technological, market and organizatinal change,, John Wiley & Sons,, USA
OCDE (1994),, Manual de OSLO, , París
Zoltan Acs, Regional Innovation, Knowledge and Global Change, Routledge, New York

Altre material bibliogràfic que el professorat distribueixi.

Other references suggested by the professor for each lesson.

Coad, A. , Segarra, Agustí and Teruel, Mercedes (2020): "A bit of basic, a bit of applied? R&D strategies and firm performance", The Journal of Technology Transfer, doi.org/10.1007/s10961-020-09826-1,

Crépon, B., Duguet, E., & Mairessec, J. (1998). Research, Innovation And Productivi [Ty: An Econometric Analysis At The Firm Level. Economics of Innovation and new Technology, 7(2), 115-158.

Phillips, G. M., & Zhdanov, A. (2013). R&D and the incentives from merger and acquisition activity. The Review of Financial Studies, 26(1), 34-78.

Méndez-Ortega, C. and Teruel, Mercedes (2020): “To Acquire or not to Acquire: The Effects of Acquisitions in the Software Industry", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 30, 793–814

Rothwell, R. (1994). Towards the fifth?generation innovation process. International marketing review, 11, 7-31.

Teruel, Mercedes , Coad, A. , Domnick, C. , Flachenecker, F. , Harasztosi, P. , Janiri, M.L. and Pal, R. (2021): “The birth of new HGEs: internationalization through new digital technologies”, The Journal of Technology Transfer, doi.org /10.1007/s10961-021-09861-6.
