Guia docent 
Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria
A A 
Ciència de Dades Biomèdiques / Biomedical Data Science (2022)
Metodologies Competències Descripció Pes        
Presentacions / exposicions
Students will do a presentation from a list of research papers proposed by the lecturers. Each presentation will be evaluated from point of view of creativity, skills to synthesise and communicate. 50%
Pràctiques a través de TIC
Students will do practical exercises in order to apply the theoretical knowledge on real data. 50%
Altres comentaris i segona convocatòria

During the semester theoretical and practical online sessions will be offered at predetermined time ranges. Moreover, the students will work on different clinical applications of machine learning that they have to design, implement, analyse and present in small groups. This hands-on, project-based approach will serve as a key reference point for the theoretical concepts explored in class.

A student is considered approved if his/her mark is greater or equal to 5.0. Otherwise, the student will have to do additional activities defined by the lecturers of the module with a penalty over the final mark.