Educational guide 
Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology
A A 
Educational Technology: e-Learning and Knowledge Management (2012)
  Description Weight
Portfolio / Learning Guide Understanding that the syllabus of the subject includes three differentiated blocks, the participating students must present -in the corresponding term- a portfolio of work in the network (in the terms that are included in the virtual classroom and that cannot be presented in format plain text) that includes at least 1 activity from each thematic block. 100%


Other comments and second exam session

The general criteria for evaluating the portfolio are:

- Presentation of the work and written expression: correctness and grammatical and orthographic precision, expository clarity, structuring and systematization of the information, incorporation of new bibliography cited correctly and capacity for analysis and synthesis.

- Mastery of the contents: use of resources with a CC license, inclusion of the requested parts in the work, and justification of the ideas.

- Creativity: capacity for criticism and self-criticism, and originality and creativity.

As part of the continuous evaluation, in those cases in which the students make a second delivery of an evaluable activity that has been suspended or not presented, this delivery will be made, within 45 days after the end of the subject, on the date determined by the responsible teacher. It is recalled that students have to respect the criteria of absolute linguistic correctness in all their evaluation tests, as well as scrupulous respect for questions of originality and personal authorship of the exercises. Any circumstance of plagiarism or the generation of material by artificial intelligence tools by the students may imply the negative consideration of all the work of the subject, without the possibility of resorting to the second call. Finally, students are suggested to consult the specific planning housed in the Moodle space for the subject.