Educational guide 
Faculty of Arts
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Publicity and Public Relations (2009)
Introductory activities Activities aimed at meeting and collecting information from the students; and presentation of the subject.
Lecture During the first seven weeks, the conceptual aspects of public opinion will be exposed from various perspectives: historical, political, sociological, psychological, philosophical and communicative. A journey from the classical tradition to the present will be considered.

In the following weeks, from a perspective more focused on communication, the main theories that study the relationship between the media and public opinion will be reviewed and the changes in the articulation of the same in the digital public sphere will be analyzed.
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom During the development of the course, in addition to the lectures, compulsory attendance activities will be carried out at classroom to raise and solve problems.
Personal attention During the course, there will be individual or group tutorials to see how students are following the subject.