Guía docente 
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería
A A 
Ing. de la Seguridad Informática e Inteligencia Artificial (2016) - Virtual
Actividades introductorias The first session introduces the subject, describing the objectives, schedule, and how the course will be assessed.
Foros de discusión The students can share their questions with the teacher and their mates in the Forum. The teacher or any student can reply the questions.

The collaboration between them is part of the learning process.
Trabajos The students have to perform two practical works.

The first practical work comprises the first part of the course.

The second practical work comprises the second part of the course.

The practical works are individual.
Lectura de documentación escrita / gráfica elaborada According to the course schedule, students have to prepare the units of the course.

The course schedule defines when the units begin and end, i.e. students have the assignment to study the unit during this period.

If students have some question about the units, they can send them to the teacher (e-mail or Forum) or to their mates (Forum).
Atención personalizada The students can send questions about the subject to the teacher by email.