Guia docent 
Facultat de Ciències de l'Educació i Psicologia
A A 
Grau d'Educació Infantil (2009)
Metodologies Competències Descripció Pes        
Presentacions / exposicions
Avaluació de les competències especificades. 40
PBL (Problem Based Learning) / (ABP) Aprenentatge basat en problemes
Avaluació de les competències especificades. 20
Avaluació de les competències especificades. 20
Proves mixtes
Prova sobre continguts teòrics i amb una part pràctica per avaluar les destreses docents. 10

Assistència i participació

Altres comentaris i segona convocatòria

This subject is practical and the students must prove their knowledge of it through their participation and the different tasks they must submit.

None of the tasks weights more than half of the final grade, so none of the tasks is essential to pass the subject.

These two reasons force us to have one only "convocatòria". There are no "remedial exams" or extra works the students can present to pass the subject if they fail.

After each task, the students will receive the corresponding feedback that will enable them to improve but they will NOT be able to resubmit the task.

The final grade will be calculated out of a formula. This consists on the addition of all the tasks and the participation. We will then calculate this same value and multiply it for the % of attendance. We will add both results and divide them by two.

This is:

- if student A has a 10 as a result the different tasks but has attended to 75% of the lessons, this student will have a final grade of: 8,75 that comes from: ((10) + (10 75%)) / 2 = 8,75

- if student B has a 5 as a result of the different tasks but has attended a 100% of the lessons, this student will have a final grade of: 5 that comes from: ((5) + (5 100%)) / 2 = 5

- if student C has a 7 as a result of the different tasks but has attended a 10% of the lessons, this student will have a final grade of: 3,85 that comes from: ((7) + (7 10%)) / 2 = 3,85

Note that if we find plagiarism in any of the tasks the student will NOT be allowed to present any other task, and he or she will DIRECTLY FAIL the subject. Depending on the case we might even proceed to file a report of the conduct.

All documents handed in by the students must meet the minimum requirements listed by the Council of teachers as to be submitted to positive assessment.

All the works presented in this subject must be original and must be created with the students own command of English (the use of translation tools for translating paragraphs, sentences or expressions will also be considered plagiarism)."

D'acord amb la normativa vigent el professor podrà establir aquelles mesures que consideri oportunes per al bon desenvolupament de les activitats avaluatives. Les mesures podrien incloure limitacions pel que fa a l'ús o tinença de dispositius de comunicació i transmissió de dades durant la realització de les proves i seran d'obligat compliment per part de l'estudiantat.