Guia docent 
Facultat de Lletres
A A 
Filologia Anglesa (2001)
  Descripció Pes
Activitats Introductòries After the first few classes, you will be asked to do a short feedback exercise. 10
Sessió Magistral There will be a second feedback exercise at some point during the course, probably mid-semester. 10
Seminaris The seminars will be the most important "learning" stage of the course. This should be a space of debate, raising doubts, challenging ideas, comparing and applying theories. A third feedback exercise will be given towards the end of the course. 10
Treballs You will be asked to hand in a written assignment for the course. The deadline will be one week after your class presentation. Grades for the assignment will be based on the following points: Appropriate evidence of reading and research / A clear and focused argument relevant to the topic / Organization. 40
Presentacions / exposicions The following points will be graded:
* A clear and focused argument relevant to the topic
* An awareness of audience and purpose
* The use of appropriate quotations and specific details
* Appropriate evidence of reading and research.
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