Guia docent 
Facultat de Lletres
A A 
Grau de Llengua i Literatura Catalanes (2009)
Activitats Introductòries Course presentation (aims, content, learning methods, assessment).
Sessió Magistral Presentation and explanation (for each new item) of course contents, to support and complement practice with the acquisition of appropriate corresponding linguistic and meta-linguistic knowledge.
Estudis previs Reviewing and revising for written tests. Complementation (with brief readings) of class lectures.
Resolució de problemes, exercicis Students will be required to read units at home and do exercises about them. They should also tell teachers about any doubts/problems they might come up against when doing so.
Treballs Students will have to write a paper about a specific grammar aspect.
Resolució de problemes, exercicis a l'aula ordinària Students will be asked to do exercises in class and they will also be encouraged to ask questions regarding any doubts they might have.
Atenció personalitzada Reviews of papers or tests. Individual consultation of any course-related doubts or problems (in visiting hours).