Guía docente 
Facultad de Letras
A A 
Grado en Inglés (2009)
Actividades introductorias The first class will introduce this subject, its contents, reading texts, methodology, exams and bibliography. It is important that all students attend regularly.
Seminarios The seminars will focus on the different contents related to the literature of the 19th century as well as literary utopia and dystopia. There will be general introductions to the literary and cultural contexts, which will be done with power-point presentations. The seminars will also be practical and based on the reading of texts uploaded to Moodle.

Sesión magistral Part of this course will be based on lectures, especially the Theory classes. You will be introduced to different literary theories and also social and ideological theories which will help you to understand better the significance of the texts discussed in class.
Resolución de problemas/ejercicios en el aula ordinaria PRIMER QUADRIMESTRE: Lectura i comentari de textos lírics per tal de conèixer i aplicar els diversos conceptes i mètodes d'anàlisi.
Atención personalizada I will be pleased to receive students at my office for any kind of doubt or consultation. Let me know in advance, either through email or in class, when you would like to talk to me
You can also write to my email and tell me about your concerns.
Presentaciones/exposiciones PRIMER QUADRIMESTRE: Presentació a través del moodle de treballs en equip sobre aspectes relacionats amb la lectura de textos narratius i teòrics.
SEGON QUADRIMESTRE: You will be asked to give a power-point presentation in English. Again, you should follow the instructions on Moodle very carefully.