Guía docente 
Facultad de Letras
A A 
Grado en Inglés (2009)
Actividades introductorias En la primera sesión del curso se presentará el temario, plan de trabajo, sistema de evaluación y horario de atención personalizada. Asimismo, se presentará el espacio en moodle de la asignatura así como la planificación de las horas de trabajo presencial y personal.
Resolución de problemas/ejercicios en el aula ordinaria Training in speaking and listening skills through intensive and extensive practice of both oral macro skills, speaking and listening. Authentic videos will be used to develop students' abilities to understand and communicate effectively in spoken English.
Presentaciones/exposiciones Students are asked to prepare and present oral impromptu presentations / oral tasks throughout the course. They should be able to show they acquired the skills and oral/listening strategies discussed throughout the course.
Trabajo colaborativo Students will be required to work in groups in order to practice extensive listening outside the classroom.
Atención personalizada Students will receive personal and whole-class feedback on a regular basis. Any questions or issues can also be dealt with during tutoring sessions if needed.