Guía docente 
Facultad de Letras
A A 
Grado en Inglés (2009)
Actividades introductorias - Course presentation: objectives, contents, methodology, course planning, assessment, bibliographical references and relation to the rest of the degree program
- Instructions to carry out exercises, activities and tests
- Feedback to whole group on exercises and activities done and tests taken
Sesión magistral - Presentation of course contents by means of explanation, exemplificarion and visual aids
- Student active participation: questions, contributions and discussion
Resolución de problemas/ejercicios en el aula ordinaria - Exercises of a miscellanous type directly connected with theoretical and practical course contents, aimed at the understanding and assimilation of course contents as well as at the acquisition of competencies, to be done, corrected and discussed in class
Resolución de problemas/ejercicios - Exercises of a miscellaneous type directly connected with theoretical and practical course contents, to provide extra practice to understand and assimilate course contents as well as to acquire competencies, to be done outside classroom hours as self-correction exercises
Supuestos prácticos / Estudio de casos en el aula ordinaria - Activities of a miscellaneous type directly connected with theoretical and practical course contents, aimed at the understanding and assimilation of course contents as well as at the acquisition of competencies, to be done in class individually or in pairs/groups and to be submitted at the end of the class session for grading
Atención personalizada - Individual and group tutorial sessions, available for students who wish to comment on any course-related aspect and aimed at (i) solving doubts about course contents, mechanics or assessment, (ii) revising homework, classwork and tests, (iii) checking on progress, (iv) providing feedback, (v) making suggestions for improvement and (vi) recommending remedial work.