Educational guide 
Facultat de Lletres
A A 
Estudis Culturals en Llengua Anglesa, Textos i Contextos (2009)
  Description Weight
Presentations / expositions Class presentation of individual work on an original topic, previously agreed upon and supervised by teacher. 25%
Assignments There will be two obligatory assignments on a topic previously studied and debated in class. 20%
Seminars Students will be encouraged to actively participate in the seminar sessions and to read all materials related to the specific topics beforehand. 20%
Objective short-answer tests There will be three short-answer tests along the semester, 30%
Other comments and second exam session

Guidelines will be given for your written assignments. It is essential that you do not plagiarise someone else's work, whether it is from the internet or the library. If you do, you will be asked to repeat the assignment or take a final exam at the end of the course. The final exam will be based on the complete course material.