Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Computer Security Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (2016) - Online
   Selection technique and assignment
<div>The professors of the different subjects of the Master will prepare proposals for Master Thesis. Those proposals will be validated at a maximum of 15 days by a commission formed by the head of the Degree in Computer Engineering, the coordinator of the PhD in Computer Engineering and the coordinator of the Master. This validation ensures that the proposal is complete and correct.&nbsp;</div><div><br /></div><div>Proposals must include the following information:</div><div><br /></div><div>• Title, advisor and co-advisor, research group, keywords.</div><div>• Introduction, presenting the research topic, what is the problem to solve, why it is relevant, what others have done to address it and why their solutions are not satisfactory.</div><div>• Objectives of the work to do.</div><div>• Tasks to be developed in order to fulfill the objectives with the corresponding cost in time.</div><div><br /></div><div>All approved proposals will be published in the Moodle of the Master. Students will go directly to the professor who has offered a certain proposal in order to be accepted. When informed, the coordinator of the Master will publish the assignment of the student with a certain master thesis in the Moodle of the Master. The duration of an assignment is one academic year. If the student does not complete his/her assigned master thesis during this period, the professor in charge of the proposal will be required to renew or withdraw it.</div><div><br /></div>