Educational guide 
Faculty of Oenology
A A 
Fermented Beverages (2014)

Type A Code Competences Specific
  A1 Develop a thorough knowledge of chemical, biological and technological processes and of the latest scientific and technical advances involved in the production of fermented beverages, from the raw material to the final product
  A2 Relate the different types of fermented beverage to the raw material and production method and relate them to the sensory characteristics of the final product
  A3 Use the latest scientific advances to develop a thorough knowledge of the useful and detrimental microorganisms involved in the production of fermented beverages and understand how they influence the properties of the final product
  A4 Understand the issues surrounding food legislation, quality and safety and apply this knowledge to the production of fermented beverages
  A5 Use the tools of statistical analysis, chemometrics and graphic data handling to interpret and extract useful information using data obtained during the production of fermented beverages
  A6 Evaluate, incorporate and manage the latest tools of environmental sustainability and life cycle analysis in the production of fermented beverages
  A7 Plan, design and develop either a scientific/research project or a technological project related to the production of fermented drinks
  A8 Participate in and develop a thorough knowledge of all the activities and decisions undertaken by a fermented-beverage company or during an oenological research project, by applying knowledge acquired in a multidisciplinary contex
  A9 Manage information and knowledge using the scientific and technical literature in the field of food science and technology
Type B Code Competences Transversal
  CT1 Become sufficiently independent to work on research projects and scientific or technological collaborations within their thematic area.
  CT2 Forming opinions on the basis of the efficient management and use of information.
  CT3 Solve complex problems critically, creatively and innovatively in multidisciplinary contexts.
  CT4 Work in multidisciplinary teams and in complex contexts.
  CT5 Communicate complex ideas effectively to all sorts of audiences.
  CT6 Develop abilities to manage their professional career (Carreer development)
  CT7 Apply ethical principles and social responsibility as a citizen and a professional.
Type C Code Competences Nuclear

Clarifications about competencies model

The competences model of the URV has been updated. The new model consists of the specific competences inherent to each degree, and the transversal competences, common to all degrees of the URV (which substitute the previous transversal and nuclear competences).

The current specific and transversal competences of this degree can be seen on this page. Even though the nuclear competences are also listed, these no longer apply, as they are integrated within the transversal competences.