Educational guide 
School of Chemical Engineering
A A 
Technology and Engineering Management (2017)
   Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A1.4 Apply strategic analysis tools to decision taking in complex situations in technological and industrial companies.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 B2.1 Understand tools leaderships in uncertain environments.
 B2.2 Develop strategies for influence others in multidisciplinary contexts.
 B3.1 Organise teamwork in complex and multidisciplinary contexts.
 B3.2 Take responsibility for the overall result of teamwork and not merely for the part that was done personally.
Resolve disputes that arise during teamwork in a constructive, ethically responsible manner whilst taking into account the multicultural and multidisciplinary nature of the team
 B4.1 Develop the ability to think strategically using technical knowledge and decision-taking tools.
 B5.2 Use critical thinking to design business strategies in a technological framework and in complex contexts.
Type C Code Learning outcomes