Educational guide 
School of Chemical Engineering
A A 
Energy Conversion Systems and Technologies (2019)
Introductory activities Activities aimed at taking contact and collecting information from students. There will also be a presentation of the subject describing the learning objectives, contents, methodologies, evaluation systems and skills to be worked on. This session will be first in each non-attendance course
Webconferencing Presentation of the subject, the contents and activities through web conference (Abobo Connect). This activity requires a synchronous presence of students and teachers. This activity will be recorded at the time of its development to facilitate subsequent consultation
Reading written documents and graphs Reading and working of the documentation published in different formats, prepared by the teaching staff, with the aim of facilitating the development of competences of a more theoretical nature and those knowledge necessary for the development of practical activities. It does not require a synchronous presence of students and teachers
Webcasting Presentation of contents of the subject in pre-recorded video format. This activity does not require a synchronous presence of students and teachers and does not allow interactivity directly. Activities related to the topic of webcasting to be developed by the student will be proposed
Self-monitoring activities Activities proposed to the student to self-evaluate their progress in the subject. They can be performed as many times as they want and will help the student to know what aspects or contents should reinforce
Problem solving, exercises Analysis and resolution of a specific problem or practical exercise related to the topic of the subject. Its scope is limited and of limited extension. Through the use of the virtual campus.
Forums of debate Activitats en les quals, individualment o en grup, els participants, argumenten i confronten idees sobre un tema determinat, mitjançant l'ús d'eines asíncrones com el Fòrum del Campus Virtual. Seran supervisades pel professor que també podrà introduir arguments i proposar activitats perquè els estudiants treballin
Practical cases/ case studies in the classroom Approach to a situation (real or simulated) in which the student must work to give a solution to the topic, solve a series of specific questions or make a global reflection
Personal attention This guidance is carried out by the teacher of each subject with the students enrolled in the same. The purpose of this guidance is to plan, guide, dynamise, monitor and evaluate the student's learning process, taking into account their profile interests, needs, previous knowledge, etc.) and the characteristics / requirements of the context EEES, academic / professional profile, social-labor demand, etc.).