Educational guide 
Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Architecture (2010)
   Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A43 Execution of architectural, urban and landscape projects in the proposal, analysis, processing and presentation phases. Use of tradtional methods and computer technologies to make graphic presentation of these projects in the form of outlines, sketches, drafts, basic projects, construction projects, models and prototypes.
 A48 Knowledge of social needs relating to housing and urban development.
 A50 Applied knowledge in architectural barriers removal projects
 A51 Execution of architectural, urban and landscape projects in the proposal, analysis, processing and presentation phases. Use of tradtional methods and computer technologies to make graphic presentation of these projects in the form of outlines, sketches, drafts, basic projects, construction projects, models and prototypes.
 A52 Resolution of passive environmental conditioning in architectural projects.
 A61 Knowledge of signing processes, practical functions and ergonomics.
 A62 Knowledge of social needs relating to housing and urban development.
 A63 Knowledge of the principles of ecology, sustainability, the conservation of energy and environmental resources, and recycling of materials.
 A64 Knowledge of the conditions governing vernacular architecture.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
Type C Code Learning outcomes