Educational guide 
Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Architecture (2010)
   Personalized attention
The fifth course is when the students are about to take the step towards their professional activity, autonomously. Personalized attention can not, therefore, in a fifth higher career level, replace the lack of technical knowledge, lack of intelligence, or emotional shortcomings - although there can always be an overdone cause that requires attention. The role of the teacher is to "accompany" and "orient" (but not "give" anything) to the students in their learning process and to know if they have achieved the ability to develop their graduate tasks (and, specifically, an architect) within the Society. For this reason, it is foreseen the review of a journal of the learning process that allows to know the processes for which students have passed throughout the course. The professor, on the other hand, must be available to students to resolve doubts and complaints, and to guide them in the process. The use of e-mail and the Virtual Campus messaging are available to students. The first day of class, in addition, will be established a telephone chain both to meet sudden requirements of students and to be able to warn of the professor’s overtime causes.