Educational guide 
Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Architecture (2010)
Type A Code Competences Specific
 A33 Adequate knowledge of conventional construction systems and their pathologies.
 A35 Adequate knowledge of industrialized construction systems.
 A45 Ability to concieve, execute and oversee construction design projects.
 A46 Ability to concieve, execute and oversee urban projects.
 A47 Ability to concieve, execute and oversee construction works.
 A49 Ability to create functional programmes of buildings and urban spaces
 A53 Ability to catalogue, plan and protect the built and urban heritage.
 A56 Ability to design and execute urban layouts and projects of urbanization, gardening and landscaping.
 A70 Adequate knowledge of the mechanisms for writing and managing development plans at any scale.
Type B Code Competences Transversal
 CT2-G Managing information and knowledge through the efficient use of IT
 CT3-G Solve problems critically, creatively and innovatively in their field
 CT4-G Work autonomously and as part of a team with responsibility and initiative
 CT5-G Communicate information clearly and precisely to a variety of audiences
 CT6-G Identify their learning process and their academic and professional careers
 CT7-G Apply ethical principles and social responsibility as a citizen and a professional.
 CT1-M Become sufficiently independent to work on research projects and scientific or technological collaborations within their thematic area
 CT2-M Forming opinions on the basis of the efficient management and use of information
 CT3-M Solve complex problems critically, creatively and innovatively in multidisciplinary contexts
 CT4-M Work in multidisciplinary teams and in complex contexts
 CT5-M Communicate complex ideas effectively to all sorts of audiences
 CT6-M Develop abilities to manage their professional career
 CT7-M Apply ethical principles and social responsibility as a citizen and a professional.
Type C Code Competences Nuclear