Tema Subtema
An introduction to major theoretical debates concerning the identities of people in the UK, in Britain, in the four nations of the British Isles. Theoretical texts on cultural identities.
Louis Althusser. Stuart Hall. Homi Bhabha.
To what extent can we affirm that Britain is a united kingdom in the twenty-first century? Britishness. Nationalisms and Identity. What is Scots about the Scots? Black Britons.
The relation between textual representation (films, literature, advertising, music, etc.) and issues of gender, class, religion and race in defining national identities (if they exist as such). Analysis of a selection of texts and films.
British heroes and heroines. How are heroes and heroines constructed through the media? James Bond. Bridget Jones. Princess Diana?
Britain and the Media: Newspapers, TV, magazines. Constructing class, Politics of British Newspapers. Films and Soap Operas. Reality Shows.
British Politics. Party Politics. Parliaments in the UK. Britain in Europe.