Objectius Competències
1) To provide to the student an introduction to the statistical instruments and of digital process of necessary signals for the analysis of the random and/or sequential data that are obtained in the development of experimental projects of investigation.
2) To as much provide to the student the capacity to plan and to solve the design and estadistic analysis of experiments, like the one to raise and to solve basics algorithms of digital process of signals for the analysis of sequential data (temporary series), in the surroundings of programming of Matlab.
To provide to the student an introduction to the statistical instruments and of digital process of necessary signals for the analysis of the random and/or sequential data that are obtained in the development of experimental projects of investigation.
To as much provide to the student the capacity to plan and to solve the design and estadistic analysis of experiments, like the one to raise and to solve basics algorithms of digital process of signals for the analysis of sequential data (temporary series), in the surroundings of programming of Matlab.